Mathemagic! Put your favorite ROTMG math stuff here!


This satisfies my inner (and outer) nerd. Good job. Maybe I’ll add some calculus to this OwO




I mean shit, I’d rather play pally and sacrifice that extra tile of range for a +100 damage buff every time i hit something with my acclaim, and I hate paladin.


I find a good knowledge of calculus is useful for ROTMG. Where? In DPS calculations.

On the wiki and in discussions, you often see comparisons between weapons which boil down to XXX is better than YYY up to ZZZ enemy def. E.g. from the Cutlass page

Not taking status effects into account, it now beats Sword of Acclaim up to approximately 95 DEF on Knight and Paladin, and Sword of Splendor until 55 DEF. On Warrior, this is even higher, Acclaim only surpassing Cutlass at 125 DEF, and Splendor passing it at 75 DEF.

But how meaningful this is varies wildly, mostly down to calculus. What I mean is, if you use e.g. Pfiffel’s DPS calculator to compare weapons, you also need to look at the gradient. The lower the gradient the lower the benefit of choosing one weapon over the other based on its ability to overcome armour.

In practice this means it does not much matter whether you choose a Cutlass or A.S.S over Acclaim, for doing damage. They all are able to overcome the armour of 99% of enemies in the game. Instead they are useful for other reasons, such as the speed boost from Cutlass, the extra range from A.S.S.

Conversely, the main difference between bows is the gradient, the rate at which their damage drops off with enemy def. Tiered bows are uniquely bad at doing damage to armoured enemies, so untiered bows are preferred in almost all situations.


How much time it take ice sphere to skill a average Knight (pre armor ignore patch)



but it can reduce your chances of reaching SB damage.

it should be replaced with (assuming you hit SB on all)


If you can’t hit SB you needa go commit not alive


Cube god

Sorry that Im not playing a warrior with colo sword, FDBA, and a crown.


Resurrected%20Warrior's%20ArmorimageGeb's%20Ring%20of%20Wisdom+v2oimbq+v2oimbq= 130 wisdom
Oreo invisible is 1.2s + Wis /125 = 2.25s of immortaly
Is it shit?


I’ll just copy and paste this from the wiki, since I calculated them.

tmw I get distracted and start fixing Highest DPS :^)




What is the probability that this game survives till the end of this year


Very high. A more interesting question is what is the probability it is still going in three years time, after Flash has been retired.


The one thing I truly love about playing video games is all the complex algebra involved.


is that a reference to me XD hi my name is killua and 3,1k abysses is my story

also here’s a quicky math c: considering the lost sentry can drop either 1, 2 or 3 pots(assuming at the same rate even tho 3 should be rarer), and each of those pots can be 1 of 6 difference pots,this (if i actually dont suck at this) drop must be rarer than the cloak itself c: (1/648 compared to the theorised 1/600)


You still have four, because you made a new one


level 9 my friend




i got harle on a level 1 ninja with t0 gear does that count