Max dungeon cap


a dungeon cap on the amount of players, abyss would be minimum 1 player max 5, lost halls would be minimum 25 max 30, etc, loot is currently just running dungeons waiting until you get the drop you want, loot is pretty boring currently, you can’t farm to anything and it’s really not fun to have done something like 50 sprites and not get a plane walker before you die on your rogue, it can seem like you’re playing for no purpose and as if the whole game is walking around until you die hoping you gain some nice items for your characters, it feels less of a grind and more of a gamble, with something like this you could change drop rates and mechanics of the bosses, this would make the game not only enjoyable to grind instead of just sitting in a group of 100 in lost halls you can actually need to play the game, but it will also solve the issue with loot feeling like a gamble more than a grind, this does take out the ability to solo things like lost halls though, in which there are a couple things you can do about it, you can sell “solo keys” for fame in which the mechanics and health can be a bit different for something like a lost hall but you can also get maybe a different set of loot, more loot or a different experience altogether, if not this they could also add a tournament style of soloing dungeons where they pick a random dungeon, maybe a random class, maybe a random loadout and see who can actually complete it resulting in guranteed or randomly rolled. I’m getting bored of the disappointment caused from getting something like 4 dokus and 2 cbows, 2 items i have absolutely no use for, while speaking, i just got insta popped the second the decaract spawned, 8/8 mystic died without getting a single item that i would actually enjoy using, a death that was unavoidable killing off another character that had at least 20 hours worth of getting pots into it just for 2 cbows and 4 dokus, 2 cbows to add to the now 7 cbows i have that i won’t use, and 4 dokus, 2 of which i won’t be using, I care so little about my deaths because i can always either enable a hacked client (which i wouldn’t actually do this is a joke) or i could just rebuild by doing something like playing a ppe, but those aren’t the methods i want to take when it feels like i just wasted 20 hours worth of time getting no where, i would love to grind the game, but to grind the game expecting not a white bag i can use and be happy to have gained but expect an inevitable death i can’t do something about is not something i want to be expecting.

my reaction to white bags is nothing but the actual usability and enjoyment i can obtain from the item, i also came back from a year long break in which i’ve been playing multiple hours a day the past 2 weeks.
I have no issue playing the current game the way it is, as gambling is also enjoyable to at least some extent, i would just much rather prefer the method i have explained, maybe in the unity port this could be implemented.


lost halls min 25 and max 30 dude are you fricking drunk or what


How are you meant to have a minimum player count in a game where only one person joins at a time?


Oh, I remember you.

Also, it feels like the second half of this post is completely unrelated to the first half. Could you please explain why it was included if it appears to be an entirely different topic?


More Heroic Observers in every dungeon


mainly just rambling about the negative side effects of the loot system, do 100+ sprites just to die on your rogue to never get the planewalker yet it’s possible to get 2 dokus in a row, an item that to me is basically useless since i dislike the katana classes and the weapon isn’t that amusing to me, leaving me disappointed that my rogue died without being able to use the item i just did 100+ sprites for.


not sure if you read it but i said something about them changing around the mechanics of the game to actually fit a certain player count instead of just hp scaling to make stuff more tanky to withstand the amount of players shooting, which would give dungeons enjoyability instead of just running through them because your group is big enough to ignore most phases and mechanics of the bosses.


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