Maxed Fusion?


I currently have a completely maxed 70/70/x rare pet. I also have another rare pet that is 70/65/x. In my pet yard it says that this fusion is a maxed fusion. I want to fuse it now so I can start feeding the resulting legendary pet and finally have electric but I am hesitant to fuse now because I worry that I will be gimping the max stats of the legendary if I don’t max the second stat of the second rare pet. Can someone give me some guidance here? Would the max of the second stat still be 90 if I fused these pets as is? Additionally, is it even in my best interest to fuse now or is it more efficient to max the second stat since feeding is so expensive for legendary pets? Any and all help would be appreciated.

Some factors for your consideration: I have 2 full chests of 2500+ Feed Power that I have been saving for the legendary pet and I could REALLY use the space that the FP is taking up as I only have 12 chests. I won’t use those FP items for the rare so to max that second stat on the second rare it would take me roughly another 2 weeks give or take.


Well first, Yes. You will have a pet with level 90. Entirely depends on your fame. If you don’t care much about fame, just go. If you do, looks like you gotta farm for 2 weeks (give or take)


Okay so it is entirely based on personal preference as to whether or not I fuse now? Based on your reply it sounds like it is technically more efficient to fully max both rares, correct?


If you’re in for a heavy read, this is a valuable resource (and interesting one!) to look over:

And affirmative to Leo, I looked at your pet yard and fusing your two white lions together will result in a pet that will be able to attain 90/90/90 stats.

About efficiency, again the article above has goes into much greater detail about that, but when I got legendary, I chose to “fuse early” (i.e. fuse right now, in your situation) so that the FP could go toward the third ability as soon as possible. I’m assuming you’re using gold to fuse, since you only have 2000 fame and fusing takes 15000 iirc. Since it’s 300 fame per feed, that 2k fame will let you feed almost a chest of those items.


A fusion between a 70/70 and a 70/65 rare pet will result in a 70/67legendary pet with a Max Level of 90.
Considering you have little fame to use, I would suggest fusing first. That way, you’ll need to spend less fame on only feeding for the 2nd ability.


Only 12 chests?!?!?!

The General Chat Thread

If the pet yard says its a maxed fusion then trust it, you should fuse right away unless you don’t have enough fame to feed the legendary lmao.

The General Chat Thread

Awesome thank you so much for the resource and the insight as to what you did at this stage, I appreciate it! It costs 4k to fuse to legendary but I will be using the realm gold so that I can save the fame for feeding haha.


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