Maxing Madness (GUIDE)


Unlike my other guides, this is actually a real guide. Here I’ll be talking about the methods of maxing your character the fastest possible.

The most popular way to max is to farm stat potions (pots) until you have enough to max a stat, drink them all, and move on to the next stat. A lot of player do this in the order below:

  1. DEF
    DEF increases your defense, letting you take in more damage

  2. SPD / DEX / WIS / VIT
    SPD increases your speed, allowing you to dodge projectiles more easily
    DEX increases your rate of fire, letting you deal more damage
    WIS increases your mana regeneration speed, allowing you to use your ability more often
    The order in maxing these 4 stats depends on your gameplay style and class

  3. ATK
    ATK increases your base damage, letting you deal more damage

  4. MANA / LIFE
    Mana increases your MP capacity, letting you use your ability more at once
    Life increases your HP capacity, letting you take in more damage

But, I use another method. Here’s how I max my characters:

  1. I run Sprite Worlds and until I max DEX
  2. With DEX maxed, I rush Abysses of Demons with a friend or two until I max DEF and VIT
  3. With DEX, DEF, and VIT maxed, I quickly rush Snake Pits and Mad Labs to max SPD and WIS
  4. To max ATK, I run Puppet Master’s Theaters and Manors of Immortals
  5. Now that I maxed 6/8, I either farm in ToAs / OTs, or trade my remaining pots for life and mana pots to max life and mana

I know this is easier said than done, but this doesn’t usually take more than a month or two. In my opinion, it’s a fair investment as long as you don’t die.


I won’t debate your method. I would suggest that once you have DEX maxed, keep running Sprite worlds and selling your DEX for DEF and max your DEF that way. This means that you don’t have to rely on people running Abyss or Sewers.

I would like to add that people check out Bluenoser’s Pot your DEF damn it!


Ummm okay so this isn’t actually a guide… Thanks for telling us how you max your characters. This was really interesting and fun to learn about. Personally if I’m self maxing I will max dex, speed, wis, def/vit, attack, mana, life. If I’m using a maxed character to max another I will max mana, dex, speed, def, att, then wis and vit like whenever it doesn’t matter, life.

Anyway, maybe we can make a chain and each share how we max out characters. This is so fun.


Do sprites.
Trade pots for more pots.
Instant 8/8!
Thanks me later :wink:


the average level 20 wizard requires 19 life, 19 mana, 35 att, 25 def, 21 spd, 32 dex, 19 vit, 29 wis.
taking average prices of pot:dex to be 1 life:16 dex, 1 mana: 8 dex, 1 att/def : 2.5 dex, and 1:1 dex for the rest, and assuming that 1/4 of all sprite worlds drop an additional def, if we assume that it takes 60 seconds to find and complete a sprite world, this all rounds out to about 450 minutes, or 7.5 hours, of constant, consistent spriteworld farming.

i would hardly call that instant :J


You forgot that it takes time to trade and find deals


Yeah that’s a joke. But me personally only sell 8 dex:1 life so it’s pretty fast to max.


That has got to take like, an hour to get.


damn seriously? haven’t actually traded in like 5 months now lol


Welcome to bulk trading where 1 life = 8 rainbow pots, I have been trading like this since as long as I can remember.


when farming sprites? no
but when trading, i doubt someone sells life for 8 dex


what I was referencing


i rather farm even more sprites, sell 3 dex for def, repeat until 8 def,then sell. not as easy as it should be.



Also you missed the explanation for VIT.


also is there any other way to get life other than tombs? because i nexus half of the tombs i go to, because i has short range D:


There are people that would buy 8 wis for a life during UDL event. Think about that.


but i doubt there will be another udl event on june


Well lucky for you it’s about time for our annual The Month of the Mad God.


omg excited

oh shit im not excited at all. i need 2 stars for orange


Be ready for another 8 months of non stop event! Yay!