May Hotfix 27.7.X14.1 (2017/05/24)


Seems there has been a “hotfix” today. I can’t see an update on Reddit yet though.

Here is a screenshot from the in-game news screen, it’s just the top half, the rest is to do with the previous update:


  • Fixed an issue with the Friendlist not loading properly
  • Fixed Oryx Suit of Armor’s aim being completely off
  • Added Portal of Cowardice in the Mountain Temple
  • Increased Mountain Temple Portal drop rate


Finally they added the portal of cowardliness!
This is greatly needed, for those fearful non knighted wimps!
and such…


Personal experience?


yah the no portal in mountain annoyed me, since i would enter like almost every time and realize that i didnt want to do it and then have to nexus…


Thanks for posting this! I just clicked through the pop-up because I thought it had to do with the previous update.


Finally better mountain temple drops!


What does this mean?


That’s… a good question.

First I thought Suits of Armor were these guys:

and that their aim was completely off, i.e., they were missing all their shots. But it so happens that those are actually Haunted Armors, and Suits of Armor are these guys:

the ones you have to destroy to fight Janus. These guys don’t shoot, so their aim being completely off doesn’t make sense. Unless they didn’t shoot before because their aim was completely off, and now that they fixed it they shoot 10 bullets that deal 300 damage every second.


Maybe it’s a joke? (please be a joke) I know that the run to get to Oryx isn’t all that hard, but the last thing I want to see is the armor I’ve considered to be harmless for the past 6 years start trying to kill me.


They meant to say Haunted Armor. There was a glitch in the last version that made them shoot backwards, and that has now been fixed.


That explains it. Thanks for clearing it up.
