Meme Thread


What game is that?


Fire emblem heros




I don’t speak meme


You need to


hahhahahaha my life isa good meme


Wait a minute… Then why are you in the meme thread?


To answer a question someone was curious about.


Ahh, that makes more sense now




(I didn’t make this)



memeing on regulars and mods alike

never forget ;( right in the feels


14 PM

12 PM

03 PM

38 PM

31 PM

03 PM

14 PM

smh doc why are you so hard to meme >:0
edit: i gotchu

i have no meme for myname either damnit
edit: lol i lied


12 PM and I’m posting a meme
I’ve got 9 shards, Trickster and Assassin are being looked at, I got a 9,2 for science philosophis, life is okay.


last one made me laugh :ok_hand:t2:


This is the first meme that I have actually enjoyed.


i like how nobody got the duck one LOL

well it’s probably for the best


Is it a meme for Otherbill? or…


One of the best things I’ve seen here

Also very accurate of my daily routine

Candy bill in reference to the romance between @CandyShi and @OtherBill


This is golden