Meme Thread


Fukign meme stealer


Last image is for @GGaodzilla and @ArkRumierA and also lets throw @PLEBJESUS in there.




The last image reminds of a meme i sent you on my phone


Because it is that meme


meme stealer 101


smh nice meme
if you can guess who it is i’ll give you a reward


wait hes the one who posted it


ok technically thats not a guess




Did Alpha quit?




Pretty sure it was an account reset

Whatever he gave me an inv of t6 abilities so I’m good with it


it’s alphamatic


This is regarding what exactly?


Alpha quitting


but what you said here

doesnt quote anyone, just randomly in the meme thread
thats prob why arex is confused


When I become regular for second time but no one has noticed so I dont have to sacrifsies my 2th child
Sneak 100


doesn’t even put in the picture 0.0/10


No its 69/0.0
Destruction 100