Meme Thread



swap the stars


What’s the point when you still don’t have jugg


i was just thinking, it would make more sense the other way because everyone jokes about how the jugg goes to the red star ppe instead of everyone else






fukin weeb lmao


@PLEBJESUS I found a template lol


omg that is great



got a good laugh out of that

They still got the fastest runs​:sunglasses::grin:


JSG Gang(no I’m not in the guild but they don’t have hackers so I like them more)


Judging by their videos, if they’re not hackers then they are unrivaled gods at confuse controls…


Confuse controls aren’t hard. You’re mostly moving diagonally or straight, and I would say that people in JSG are more skilled than most people.

While confused, the controls for A and S are switched, likewise with W and D.

Please don’t accuse people of hacks without proof :frowning:


You can see there’s not s single frame where they start moving in the wrong direction. I’m not saying that they’re hackers, but it seems to be likely.


You don’t need to be a god to get used to confuse controls, although it does help to be one.


You’re saying that they’re hackers, lol

Take it up with Sebchoof, not me.


I really don’t care but I think it’s pretty silly that they choose to do it that way. :man_shrugging:

NSFW! Again! Sort of! I guess!

