Meme Thread


haHaaa funny meMe

(getit 'cause its blu)


imagine posting a link that says “DO NOT SHARE” on a public forum



Some people hate beef. @Sturky





but for real, wtf are the new twilight set bonuses?




Well I did it for two reasons and the actually important part of the link isn’t showing


Can’t believe I just got Gold Experience Requiem’d


real fast



Oryx when you steam roll his event gods


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


lol this post will never be deleted


@Mrunibro There are bees
in my inventory
They are taking over
They’re everywhere


how did u get so many in the first place
and i think i know why

look at the 2nd slot, its a bees nest





is this one of those images that you keep on your phone for 11 months waiting for a reason to use them


nah it’s one of those images I keep on my computer specifically for occasions such as this

totally different