Meme Thread


It’s in off-topic. It ain’t Realm memes-exclusive.


A part of me wants to delete everything thats not realm related from here


First person who asks Mr Eyeball in the library who Joe is gets a Potato.




Come on, you know I had to. (Rip my 2nd 7/8.)



I was sleepy and read “for this monkey”



This is a meme?


I think it’s supposed to be funny because all the "none"s are at a 1, which is supposed to imply that they’re dead, which in turn is labeled as “severe dysfunction” as a humorous understatement.


hi i declared bankruptcy please laugh


The meme was the act of posting the GCS chart, that isn’t a meme.

You could be dead if you had a GCS of 3. You could also be in a coma. Or dead. Usually 3 is pretty dead.


Demonseye playing with imgflip




I’m more of a haunted cemetery rusher myself.


I prefer rushing Lairs of Draconis.


Am I the only one who rushes Puppet Master’s Encore?


True intellectuals rush Santa Workshops without killing any presents.


But only true intellectuals clear pirate cave when 8/8 and killing the boss last.


been there done that