Meme Thread


It took me 3 tries to actually put the image here. I think it hates itself.


I’d actually say the other way around.
Puri heals more, and the t6 tome is more efficient for an easier permaspeedy. If you have the space and luck, use those two rather than the geb tome.


Why i get declined when applying for guilds:


Join the club mate.


psssh thats nothing



and ive seen way more then this


Now i’m imagining fame farming, but replace the fame with death, just make a wizard, go to the realm, warp to godlands, die, repeat, how fast do you think deaths could be racked up like that?


100+ an hour


That’s the thing about this meme: the second one is usually the worse choice of the two/three.


Ah, right.


Trickster would be a better choice for this though, since it can get to the portal faster.


I win


Of course, I’ve died a lot by pressing ~, which used to be bound to opening guild chat, while Esc was bound to Escape to Nexus.
And then you just mash buttons, unable to do jack…


Two can play at this game.


Mr. Eyeball is a spammer.


If each of them has 100 fame, you would at least have 270 million fame. #respect


I think ive won



Oh yeah?