Meme Thread


Oh no, HowSad that the meme thread is dying
see what I did there


(then say ‘wat i made a pun’)




wait it was a pun? howsad i didn’t even notice


oh lol
howsad that no one taught u how to discern a pun from a non pun
a non pun… a nun?




Okay, I admit that was bad.


I meant punintended*


help me



Deca pls nerf


Even Oryx fears him, you shouldn’t have dared challenge the pirate KING!


lel xd

lel xd
(both from reddit)


Today’s the Samuel Johnson day!
He be like


thats a day…?


No, it’s just on ggl.


makes more sense now lol


Also on the Achievement Thread.



You guys are about to have a BadTjime if you were making puns without me