Meme Thread





Xaklor are u blind its orange not blue hue hue hue

gg too many typos, change every “blue” to orange smh


My favorite is yellow, 2nd least liked color among both men and women




Yellow is the best!!!
Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow…

I like this picture because the main entity in the foreground is mostly yellow. Unless you consider the apple to be the main entity…


Red stone? Doesn’t matter. Bartre is color-blind.
Smoke? Doesn’t matter. Bartre will still come.



That’s a bad meme.

Especially when Jakob breaks by pity rate.


The Fire Emblem memes were good but the Realm memes were slightly better


Wanted to see how many portals needed to spawn a Void Entity.


what’s wrong with fraps?

clearly white star is the best because white light is allll the colors.


candy is gay


roses are red
violets are blue
mou shindiru


roses are red
violets are blue


nay thee.


why are you both so good at rap battles


roses are red
violets are blue
rhymes are hard


Roses are red
Cows have udders
My boyfriend is actually my brother


Roses are Various colours,
Violets are Violet,
On my mothers:
I am a Somalian Pirate.

