Meme Thread


Doesn’t matter- the laws of the universe apply equally between humans, potatoes, rocks and even sand




Which anime is this?


assassination classroom it has a main character which will make you gay


That’s if you fulfill these two criteria

  1. (The actually are-you-gay part)
  2. Can he definitively be classified as the sole MC?


yay i just broke up

i feel like

i cant describe it :sob:


Dude you doing alright?
You need a hug?


Thanks GGaod, you always find a way to make me feel better xD. :+1:


I gotchu homie


sorry im getting pretty horny :confused:

karma isnt MC considering he comes in 5 episodes in, and koro sensei could potentially be a MC, but his backstory isnt as filled out as Nagisa


I’m just going to ignore that disgusting pic and respond to your comments

Coming in 5 ep’s late doesn’t automatically disqualify him from being MC

This only applies if you use this following definition of Main character:

  1. They must be integral to the story
  2. They must have a fleshed out backstory

With those two I’d definitely say that Nagisa is replacable whereas Koro Sensei is not.
We don’t get too much of a backstory for both anyway

Terminating discussion here, I
1)don’t want to derail the memes
2) Don’t want to see any more into your disgusting mind
Discussion of AC terminates here

@Awdreg can you weigh in on this? (Integral of 1/x from -1 to 1)


I just got brain cancer reading this… would read again.


debating whether or not a yellow tentacle monster as a main character IS a meme.



fine I’ll fucking debate you as to whether Koro Sensei is a MC of Assassination Classroom

@InfamousX sorry bout that, it was me who posted pics of Koro Sensei…

I did say a MC of AC, not the MC of AC. If we were only allowing for 1 MC it would obviously be Nagisa just from the OP alone.


that’s okay, this battle between you and GGaod is pretty good! :popcorn:


To be fair, I am literally hot garbage when it comes to debating

this is going to heat up rapidly as fuck


oh shit


This is an early-warning signal- If you want me and ggoad to debate somewhere else, the vote so here.

  • Debate @GGoadzilla here
  • Debate @GGoadzilla somewhere else

0 voters


you honestly want my opinion on whether or not you should debate ggaodzilla on the subject of whether or not some yellow smiley face in an anime I will never care about happens to technically be a main character or a minor character?

because the answer is “omg shut up already where are the memes you nerd”


haha lol