Memento Mori ignores 400 def instead of all defense



Myzzrym: “Krathan I just disconnected AGAIN that’s the 10th time today, why did we buy this !£$% game??”



I just had another thought - back when the Parasite Chambers were released, I believed someone calculated the damage the Devastation Scepter did with a Crown.

Upon further inspection, it seems that was actually from this idea:

But that aside, does “special” damage from Scepters, which isn’t dealt by a projectile, also fall under the “do-too-much-damage-to-DC” rule?




Pfiffel is actually able to calculate this, for those that’re curious.

So I guess you can screw around and see how effective your wisdom setups are on Necros and Sorcerers, cause it seems to only works properly on those two.


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