Merging Guild Recruitment Articles/Advertisments


Had an idea about the guild recruitment kind of layout on the Forums.

Not sure about anyone else but there does some to be a fair amount of recruitments or people looking for guilds and it can be a little time wasting for some people. ( And I mean time wasting by some topics are pushed down by someone saying looking for guild on USW2 etc.)

I thought why not possibly put in like a guild search thing where people can advertise their guild on and have their server and requirements as usual but it be maybe a seperate part on the forums. It would kind of be like a newspaper or billboard to put it on and people can go onto the forums and look for possible guilds they would fit into.

Just an idea

Also going to have a poll to see if you like the idea of you think it’s perfectly fine the same.

  • Yes keep it the same I think it is good how it is!
  • No, I think we could improve it and make it neater and more organised.
  • Mmm, not sure. Could be better but don’t think this is the right way to go about it.

0 voters


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