MFW i win Warrior Jackpot






It’s funny because the set is black.


next time put that in the whitebag thread


Oh damn…

A Gold Clothing Dye…

Also why is there a Black dude there he should be gold…

And what’s that nonsense covering up the screen?
Dragon Tamer Skin? Sounds Hawaiian.

Well done man, gg



Good use of GIF’s…


Spot on


Guys he literally posts this same gif every week or so. like this. But who actually found the gif first? Not him. JK it might have been him who found it, but its a pretty frequent post. I’ve seen like 5 of it since I joined, just can’t find it.


Depends what you mean by "found’. Technically the person who made the gif was the first to find it.

But if you’re asking who posted it on the forums first, i think it was me, but i’m not sure.


No I’m just saying you might be using it a little much for your usage to be called

If you use the same image every couple posts of course its going to be spot on eventually, but does that mean you’re a great gif poster?


I’ve used the gif like… 5 times? And i’ve made… 1800 posts?

  1. I’m not overusing it

  2. It was perfect for that situation


Ok whatever You decided it was nice and people agreed.


I cannot argue with that


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