Mini Arachna - Random Necro Skin


Hiya! I just made a skin that took five hours (minutes) to make!
Here it is, behold… Mini Arachna!

I know, it’s very beautiful.
Now let me hide in the corner.


the shot is ass :stuck_out_tongue:
i like his standing skin tho


I actually like it. Which class do you think fits best? Me thinks huntress, because slow trap


I would rather it as a pet stone. The pet can shoot that for attack/close/mid/far


Not bad however the shooting animation should not have a projectile/hand/staff coming out of nowhere.


I think it should be a huntress skin because spiders trap stuff in their webs.
And traps slow down enemies like Arachna’s webs do.


Looks alright, but like Bashii said, it’s better as a Pet Stone IMO.

Creatures seem like they should be pets rather than actual heroes. Of course there is the Wolf skin.

Above all not bad.


neat! :slight_smile:


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