Month of The mad god 2020 discussion


Aliens are pretty old and reused often, plus they’re already a permanent addition to the game so it would be pretty lazy and ridiculous if DECA decided to go with another alien theme for MOTMG. I’m hoping for a high quality MOTMG this year but honestly my expectations are quite low. I think most people generally dislike aliens.


I hope they bring back the sun stuff and the exchange for a weapon top, partly because I scared to do o3 and voids, partly because the items look cool


@DeeBomb here’s hoping they let you trade in for any ST set this year.


I thought it was a lh top?


Fr tho xd


But it would be a little bit not fair to be able to exchange a tradeable set for a phantom archer set or another rare sb set


I just want ST exchange within a single set… Even a 2:1 exchange would be phenomenal.


if they do an st exchange ima be mad I dropped my honey circlets and other st rings. I think I had 7 st rings that I dropped, and 2 or 3 that I fed


I also REALLY hope they do some event where u can get illumination and morning star whether it be a habby or hudl event or they just drop from the normal ones.


alright so I’m assuming this shit isnt happening september


The most recent announcement from DECA I believe said starting the second half of September, iirc.


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