Most fame with one enemy death


Ok, so today I was in a chamber with a fresh level 20. We kill the boss and because I have “show fame gain” on, I saw that I gained 105 fame. With one enemy. This is not a thread for most base fame, but mostly a thread for an enemy you got soulbound on at a very low level, therefore having amazing fame growth.


The reason you got so much fame was because you were a fresh lvl 20


i mean, i uhh was in a shatts with a level 17 blue star warrior and he got both bracer and crown and died to a drag after boss

as for me, i got a double white from lab once as a lvl 8 ninja


I can almost guarantee newly made characters have increased EXP gain. 1 Fame = the exp to get level 20.


Fame gain has a huge dropoff at 225, takes 5 times as much I believe for 1 fame.


Chamber is notorious for fame, and added to the fact that its easier to get fame at lower levels, it isnt too surprising. The most fame upon enemy death is void entity I think. I once got etherite on a lvl 17 knight. Promptly lost it when the bag disappeared while I was trying to screenshot (this was before bags flashed).


Usually when you reach lvl 20 you have at least 17-18 fame already, so that’s not the case.

Fame gain also changes as you get more fame, slowing down in steps until you reach 2000(?) 225 base fame.


So lets all go read the wiki, then come back and discuss when informed:


at 255 not 225


No? It’s exactly 217.

You need 4 times the experience to gain a single fame point after that.


Thank you I always believed it was 255. I searched it up and it is indeed 217


This thread is cool, so I decided I could put this comment in it!

yeah! :smile:

whoo! :hugs:

yay! :smirk:


I don’t know

+1 fame.



this means that the number should differ based on how much much active time the char has



Whoops nvm


Sorry guys, I think we misunderstood this.

This is a thread on how quickly you gained fame at a low level.

If you got soulbound on the void entity at level one, I wouldn’t be surprised if you got 300 fame.


well that’s technically impossible, because by the time you got to void you would’ve gotten 100 or so fame from the halls itself anyways.

most of the answers are just gonna be high fame bosses lol, it doesn’t make for good conversation.


ok then


I go in a puppet and duo it as a level 3 leeches
He tp’s for the test chest (back when pups had test chests)
I get 0, the other guy gets 0, level 3 gets white


got me 1st 2 shats whites in 1 shat after 3 yrs of playing ( gem and crown)