Most overrated item?


No, he needs to think of better trolls.


enough said


I think I’m going to get quite a bit of hate for this… but I’ll add the possibility of Doku.
Yes, I know it is a very good Katana, and those of you who have seen me in game have seen me obsessing over attempting to get a Doku, but now that I have one it doesn’t actually seem as good as I thought it would be.

I am not trashing on Doku or saying it is a bad katana, I love it and it looks excellent. My point is, since the buff on tiered Katanas (and ever before that actually) Doku has been excellent but not the most legendary OP item OMG 9000 THING


But almost no significant monsters have 0 DEF, the only important ones that don’t just get killed by one or two shots anyways are pentaract and skuld.

I would agree that ogmur is a little overrated, but only because knights already have so much DPS against high-def enemies.


oh wow!!! you can one shot gods!!!

but here’s some things to consider: almost nobody uses dbow to farm glands, they would use a cbow. elvish quiver gives more dps than a qot does. daze is also very trivial. everyone brings up that dazing o2 is useful, and it is, but i would RATHER have paralyze. which is better, para + stun or daze + stun?

lol sorry about the terrible english its 1:20 am


Para + stun off but if u consider between para and just daze I would chose daze


Or Thousand Shot Bow


To be fair people like QoT in things where boss is already movement-impaired or immune to such (e.g. Sentinel but that’s easy already) and in clean tombs where you don’t want to pierce and if it shines in a few areas that’s the purpose of a UT - a niche. Plus no one pretends it’s great, one only screeches OMG QOOOOOT because it’s rare.


I beg to differ. I think it’s a great weapon.


No one pretends QoT is a great all around. People see it’s niches, which are comparatively small and not THAT important (except for say small Wine Cellars where O2 is pinned down already and you can aim through the fodder and want to help the knights or in private tombs) but mainly get excited because it look sick and is rare.


That’s why I think it’s great. It works as a UT, not a tier overhaul.


Exactly. It is balanced great as a situational thing that can work in certain things but not OP.


Didn’t say it was OP. Said it was great.


Srry for the misunderstanding,


Eh. Don’t worry about it.


This doesn’t really affect how well the item performs in the game, which is what we were talking about up there.

Ok, so there is like, four to five enemies out of the couple hundred where armored is almost useless. So what? It’s still OP.

Jugg is made for tanking, not for rushing. You can always swap out, and so what if there is a cooldown? Armored is a broken buff and something needs to balance it out.


The most overrated item is, in my opinion, pixie sword. It is terrible in the majority of the situations its used in but remains a highly sought after item.




Thank you


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