MotMG 2018 Fame Box III



Possible contents (tall image, click to view full thing):

Related links:
MotMG megathread: MotMG 2018 Discussion Thread (the anointed MEGATHREAD)
And the skin megathread: What skin did you get?(Including Motmg, mystery skins, halloween,etc)


i only got 2 keys, 1 moss token and 7 dyes
i did get a ddocks tho from the epic and another mstar from the udl key, so im not complaining


I’m low on fame right now, so only planned to role it a few times. Second role:





I got a few mystery keys, some moss tokens and some dyes.


I got 7 dyes, 2 moss, 1 oryx


Similar, 7x dyes, 2x moss, 1x blue key.


mOSs, MoSS, mosS.


5 moss, 4 dye, 1 blue skin


I have no account fame left so I only rolled it 4 times and got cloths for all of them

I don’t even have enough to feed my pet once


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