MotMG 2018 Fame Box VI



Possible contents (tall image, click it to view entire thing):

Wasn’t expecting another - looks like more of the same - the Legendary and Epic are 10x and 5x MG tokens, but really don’t go in expecting to win those if past boxes are anything to go by.

Related links:
MotMG Megathread: MotMG 2018 Discussion Thread (the anointed MEGATHREAD)

MotMG 2018 Discussion Thread (the anointed MEGATHREAD)



yea lemme get uhhhhhh


Holy shit the one box I got good stuff from. Got rare, legendary, and epic key with a bunch of moss and 1 moss bag.


IKR - they could hardly be doing a better job sabotaging people expecting they’ll get anything from the pay mystery boxes by their strategy of low rewards out of the fame boxes. Odd decision.



loot quality- not even worth a screenshot


Man I would actually enjoy some of those dyes guys :c
Thing is I just got my legendary pet so no fame feelsbadman




my dragon wizzy would very much like a darker green :eyes:


only good loot on final fame box seems appropriate


i got 5 moss, 1 moss bag, 2 rare keys and rest are dyes. not bad (got slime hunt from moss bag, now i only need 2 more slime skins to have all 15)


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