Mudfish VPN on RoTMG


So, just wondering… How do I set up my vpn correctly to this game?
There’s some ip to connect?
Anyone using Mudfish VPN?


Just wondering, what is the point of using VPN in rotmg, not like your ip is going to be stolen…


If 3 accounts or more are logged on from same IP address, you get 1h ban.

Might be trying to avoid that.


No, I just want better ping…
I’m not from game server location…
I pay for a vpn to play others games, why not use it on RoTMG?


You can change what server you play on by selecting servers on the main page.

US = America (South, central, or north depending on which one you select) not just USA
EU = Europe
Asia = Asia
Australia = An ocean.


I know that… But still lag, US South server is not located at Brazil or somewhere else south america


Am I a joke to you?


A small price to pay for salvation.


Still need help lol


Can’t you just connect your computer to the VPN, and then ur IP gets rerouted? IDK if that’s how it actually works but yeah.


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