Mule Dump on Kongregate


How exactly do I use Muledump with kongregate using jakcodex’s muledump? there are no tutorials for it and the old way form atomizer’s doesn’t work

Info on Flash for Kong Players

When you put it into the accounts.js the format is:

'kongregate:xxxx': 'yyyy'

Follow the instructions here to find out the flash details (the Getting your Kongregate Account Information section):

You need two values: kongregate_user_id and kongregate_game_auth_token

Replace those words with the actual values you got above, put them in this URL and stick it in your browser:

This should return:


Put xxxx and yyyy into the username/password string and stick into your account.js and away you go…

(Don’t forget to install a CORS toggle plugin which I guess if you’re using muledump you already know how to do)


ok here’s my problem the auth token i get form the link provided to that information is different than the auth token I use for flash player, and neither works, are you sure that kongregate works on the newest mule dump?


Absolutely certain. I play on kong and I’m using 0.8.1. :slight_smile:

If you use your id and auth token from your flash link it should work. I’ve just tested it with mine and it matches the password I’m using for muledump.


nothing is working still :confused: it says my credentials are not valid


Does the return a GUID and Secret?


what do you mean?


When you put your kongregate_user_id and kongregate_game_auth_token into the URL above do you get an error or a GUID and Secret back?


I get the code back with secret and GUID, I’ve put the info in my accounts.js but when i try and import it, muledump says no accounts detected


Good, good.

Make sure you paste everything between the secret tags including any punctuation characters (mine ends with an = sign) in this format in accounts.js:

‘kongregate:1234567’: ‘secret_stuff_here’

So accounts.js reads something like:

// editor with syntax hilighting is recommended (for example, notepad++ or textmate)

accounts = {

// Put your data here as shown below. Don't forget the commas and quotes!
// If your emails or passwords contain single quotes,
// escape them with backslashes (\) like this: 'pass\'word'

'kongregate:1234567': 'rioeuroiweur9we7r98eyw98ry98weyr98we7r9=',
'': 'some_password',
'': 'another_password',
'kongregate:9876543': '398469384689346983269398b797d9d78bdssgdasdd3d3='

}// don't delete this line!

// how many characters are displayed in each row (within one account)
rowlength = 7

// change to 1 to switch to testing
testing = 0

// change to 1 to enable price display in tooltips
prices = 0

// change to 1 to enable one-click login (run lib/mulelogin.au3 first)
mulelogin = 0

// 0 = use smart layout (fill empty spaces)
// 1 = show account boxes row by row
nomasonry = 0


Thanks you very much, Its finally working!


@moderators - I think we’re done here.




Moved to Q+A for benefit of future readers.