Music to my ears


Has anyone else noticed that with exactly 22 dexterity your shots are in rhythm with the music?


Lmao did not know that


Pls make a video, i need to hear this!


Just open realm with the music and use the Pfiffel dps calculator weapon preview. Kinda works.

Also, to me it seems like 31-32 dex fits much better, but I guess that depends on what part of the music you are focusing on.


I don’t think Pfiffel has any in-game sounds, i tried, and it didn’t work(To Rammy’s dismay!)


lol, so much people talk about rotmg sounds, but mine is always off (i use ally projectiles off to see if i actually hit). I hear death people getting hit has a nice sound.


Get a rogue with the Obsidian Dagger, Planewalker Cloak, Hydra, UB Dex and then put on Rap God by Eminem.


I’m guessing this is with a max dex rogue? XD


Interesting, never have music on :thinking:


You never played rotmg with music? You are missing out!


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