My Entries for the DECA Art Contest


Here are all of my entries for the May Art Contest. Be as harsh as you’d like, but I won’t change them even though I, honestly, think they are terrible. No descriptions are included.

##Pyromancer Skin

##Ember Drake Egg

##Ember Dragonling Statue

####Side note: The Pyromancer skin was made for the Necromancer class.


pyro is nice. I like it generally

the egg is ok, but i feel it doesnt show your artistic talent. I feel there is just so many places you could just put random pixels to achieve that.

the statue… i have no idea what it is…


why dont we make a thread just for this


What is that statue for?


I didn’t want to overdo the pixels in random places. While I was prototyping the egg, I did indeed throw pixels here and there and thought they looked terrible. If I had those pictures of the prototype I would post them, but I deleted them, sorry.


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