My general thoughts and feedbacks on this forum


Everything below this line is purely me ranting over random things I noticed as I browse the forums. I will update this post as I learn more about the forum itself. So please correct me if I said something amiss.

There needs to be a specific category that is labeled trading not just for trading but for everything about trading, I think people will flood either the off-topic sub-forum or the community hub with questions like “is acclaim worth 3l” “do you guys think this item should have higher price?” though I am not saying questions like these are bad it’s just that they are kinda out of place and a trading category would be nice, in my opinion of course.

Also a “Vouches” sub-forum so we can finally trade keys without getting scammed most of the time, the vouches needs to be a little strict though, maybe 1 vouch per IP so people cannot abuse it and gain unlimited vouches all by themselves?

If ever you needed more mods, employ only strict and players that are well-informed about the game and this forum’s rules as moderators, please.

In the Ideas category, a monthly/weekly winner with possibly a prize sponsored by RealmEye or an moderator might work.

Emoticons? woops :sweat_smile:

What's your opinion on RWT?

Thanks for the feedback.

We’re discussing the situation of a ‘trading discussion’ category.
Emoticons are available under the smiley face icon in the toolbar.
The mod team is mostly comprised of old time players who have moderated previous RotMG forums.


Ummm…RealmEye already has a whole section for Trading. If you get scammed, mark someone’s RealmEye profile as a Scammer. We (edit for clarification: “We” being the mods, as we were creating these forums) discussed these sorts of things at length and decided the forums shouldn’t be duplicating any features that RealmEye already provides. (This is the same reason there’s no “Guild Discussion” community, as RealmEye provides its own Guild-wide messaging.)

A Trading Discussion community did come up, but we decided to hold off, at least for now. If there’s continued demand, we’ll think about it.


Wise choice not to implement anything trading related yet.
We had too many price guides in the past, that people took too serious (cough Kazansky)

I cannot find the invite button for the badge though - I love the badges :blush:

edit: I already answered my question by myself. The invite button appears at Trust-Lvl 2

A Few Suggestions/Questions

Hmm. If a trading category isn’t favored well how about a vouch section? I feel the community needs one for key trading purposes. Mods can act as middleman though every vouch must be accompanied with proof and mods need to be strict.


I rephrased most of the text in order to better explain my point.

Random question, is bumping your post or other people’s post allowed?


Vouching thread seems to have merits, though it might be abused at first. And not to take away from RealmEye functionality, but “trading” it provides is completely filled with bullshit underpays for buying and overpriced items for selling. Not to mention tagged scammers still being able to post trades, multiwindow offers that don’t make sense, troll offers, etc. It’s just a hot mess.


They can’t really go and make it so someone tagged as a scammer is unable to post trade offers, otherwise someone could just get the whole guide to mark a trader as a scammer and prevent em from trading on realmeye. It already makes it pretty clear if they’re marked a scammer, so if someone ignores that warning, eh.


Yeah, it’s true that prohibiting people from trading through RealmEye due to scammer tags is a little much. I was talking more about the issue I’m having whenever I choose to use RealmEye:

Say I want to buy UB HP. The price is 4L (let’s assume it is). I go to trading and what do I see? Everyone selling for 5L and buying for 2-3L. People using extra chests and mules prey on the economy, because they don’t really want to sell anything, they just want to profit off of it (like a lot).

Skins are 3 UB HPs? Let me clutter your whole screen with offers for 2 UB HPs! Why not!
You want a Deca Ring? Here you go! Only 5 Shendyts, 5 ST spells, 5 Archmage Robes or 5 of something else that you will never ever pay! Who cares there’s an offer for 4 UB HPs three lines down!

I can understand trying to sell stuff with profit, but some of these offers are borderline robberies and shouldn’t even be allowed. I know it’s not right to take away someone’s right to post offers, but if you’re using offers only to post ridiculous ratios and piss off potential customers, then you don’t really need or deserve access to RealmEye’s trading.


That’s why you post your own offer and wait. Those offers only work because people are impatient, and think that they’ll only get trades if they look at people selling/buying what they are currently buying/selling. Most of the successful trades get put up then taken down cus they finish quicker then those ones, so you’ll mostly see the bad ones that won’t get taken.


Good idea! I miss the old Trade tabs in old Wild Shadow forums. Good times.


That would be a job that is constant work. It’s also a job that none of us would want to have.


Isn’t that what being an moderator is about? Working your butt off to make sure that the forums is cleansed of spammers and posts that are out of topic or violates your guidelines? If your current group of mods doesn.t want to handle this “job” then how about official non-moderator middlemans?


The forums are not about trading and key sales.


I didn’t mean it that way, the next paragraph says it all


Yes; and as OB said, the forums do not exist primarily to facilitate trading. And what you state is exactly what we do—we don’t have time to be vouch gatekeepers and do the things forum moderators typically do.

Keep in mind that we don’t get paid for anything we do here, we never have, and, at least for me, I don’t ever want to be. I always want the reason for me being a forum moderator for RotMG to be because I want to be here and do what I can for the RotMG community.


Well… okay. It was just an idea I had and thank you for responding I guess…


I don’t mean to discourage you or anything. The idea is great, and in a perfect world where we (or I, at least) didn’t have to worry about time management, I’d happily support this. It’s just that in reality, we do have a lot of things on our plate, and trading is one of the things that we all (without any sort of collusion) did not want to worry about for the time being. That said, we’re not against this sort of thing; like my colleagues have said above, we just want there to be overwhelming support for it before we do anything toward this so that we end up spending a lot of time doing something that has little effect.

So please, continue thinking of ways to improve this forum! Great things can always be made better.


true im stell new to the economeny i search for a trade i ether find ridicusly expensev ofers or realy cheap ofers no wen ansers its real annoyny


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