My login calendar


what the hell…

I missed a day on the login calendar last month despite logging in every day
Okay, turns out I didn’t miss a day but I couldn’t claim my login calendar reward for yesterday until today, and the last point still stands. Wtf is going on

Trivial Issues Thread

[Split off from T.I. Thread.]

What timezone are you in, you might be always a day offset from the server day (GMT/“Z”-time) and not realise it.

Eg. it is at time of posting 1hr 15min into the 11th December.


EST, the login calendar gives rewards at 7 or 8 (daylight savings), but I usually check at 9.


If doing evening logins your time, the server has already flipped onto the new +1 date (server midnight occurs at 7 or 8pm your time).
You must treat that time as the deadline to log in each day not the starting gun. 9pm login gets you tomorrow’s log in but is too late for today’s.

So either do a morning login, or always work “a day ahead” and for January’s calendar, do your evening log in on 31st December 9pm to claim the 1st Jan.

(Deca could avoid all this palaver if they cut just 1 day off the rewards each month then nobody would need to care about timezones.)


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