My paladin opinion


What even

You think?

True , its +112 btw

Don’t all melees




How does this need a buff, its a warrior that can heal itself

This was needed.

Nope, you want to hit seal often

Extremely useful , you know what else is extremely useful? It INCREASES MAX HEALTH , you carry around +112 hp

How is this disadvantage, that’s personal opinion

Knight without stun isn’t much good either

What, paladin doesn’t need good gear OR a pet to play well.

Heres my paladin


I think ill fix that for you



a beautiful paden indeed


I have a divine pet so Paladin is OP for me lmao. I think Paladin scales with how good ur mp heal pet is. The higher it is, the better the class becomes. I can lavawalk myself, heal up instantly from godwalls, provide group with permanent buff, and do a decent amount of damage myself.


Paladin is the most fun to play out of all the melees.

On a side note, can we auto-ban anyone using the word ‘Paden’ for a couple of weeks? I’ll happily take my ban just for that last sentence; I feel all dirty already and the reddit pre-puberty just won’t wash off.


I do agree paladin is super reliant on his ability, but with it I think the paladin is the most versatile class in the game. Also Deca lowering the dex cap to 45 just made it awkwards for the pally and it more reliant on seal.

The most versatile class right now?

With my old Knight
I can put sky mith abyssal expo and will be just good as my pally with cc and bracer

Yeah stun ability make Knight 50% retard
Another 50% is 70 def

here a fact

better the pet you have = Better pally


Here’s another “fact” your opinions are almost spot on… in the wrong direction.

Paladin doesn’t scale as much as knight with a strong pet. Its a solid class for both new and older players.


Well base stats yes, but helm gives def.


Best class in game besides priest because the buff is the most powerful in the game. Why it is so bad according to the community? Because the buff it provides is so co-op. It is more co op than priest and warrior (priest gets speedy and armor).


I may not agree with paladin being the most fun… at all because I don’t really like the playstyle of any melee. But paladin strikes me as literally the least interesting class in the game (yes even compared to wizard, the stand back and put your cursor on enemies character) simply because paladin’s playstyle is literally take damage, space bar and repeat till you win and it just strikes me as ridiculously boring.


just cause pally aint good at a specific thing doesnt mean its bad
its good at everything tbh, possibly more tanky cause of hp buff and heal from seal
if pally isnt good y do u put bracer on it


I put bracer on it to make it good


I’m sorry what?




Paden is best class


Paden best




Idk I mostly do lh where the group buff is most important so its just my opinion


Actually that is one of the rare situations where I think a gcoockie would be better. That, and like lava walking.