My pets


Hi guys and girls

have a question about a pet that I have, because I have a pet that does not have electricity and I really want one that, if it has, literally, about 64 counted eggs and nothing, I have one in the pet yard but it is electricity, magic and heal, if the leveo to legendary and this 90/90/90 will happen that having the heal of last place will give me slower ?. That’s my doubt.


If I understand correctly, you are asking if having the lvl 90 ability as the third ability makes it less effective. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

The level is the only thing that effects effectiveness. Rarity, ability position, sprite, family, etc. do not matter. However, I strongly strongly suggest you have electric as your third ability; the third ability gets only a small fraction of the power out of feedpower compared to the first ability (I think it’s like 35% maybe lower. Second ability is 70% I believe). Basically, it will take about 3 times as much feed power to max the third ability compared to the first. It is far more efficient to hatch a pet with electric as third ability. Humanoid eggs can be bought easily for a def each and have a 1/56 chance of giving you h/mh/e or mh/h/e. So, most of the time, you can get the “perfect” combo that will forever effect your account incredibly for less that a deca (unless you are incredibly unlucky). It is infinitely easier to get enough wealth to buy the eggs to get the right combo than to get hundred of thousands of feedpower and the tens of thousands of fame to feed it.

tl;dr No, ability order has does not effect effectiveness, but you should absolutely 100% get the right combo instead of having electric not 3rd


No, that was removed with the pet wardrobe. The chance of getting a certain comibination in a certain order is always 1/504, regardless of the family.


Really? I thought they just added a new humanoid with mheal as first. Wow, that really sucks for newer players. Still though, it would be 1 in 252 if you don’t care whether heal or mheal is first.


When pets became a thing, I opened hundreds of eggs to find one that was Heal/MP Heal/electric. I opened only in farm because that was the family I wanted.

Now family is not important because of skins so open all eggs to find the combination that you want and you can change family later with a skin. (correct me if I am wrong please)


I’ve still been trying to farm enough fame to upgrade my pet yard to legendary and fuse them, hurray 12k more fame to go


Congratulations, @Mynamerr you have just officially destroyed my proud feelings from hatching a H/MH/E from a mystery egg. Really though… :thinking:


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