Never have I ever (for real this time)


Maybe, I did say fully though.


You could say “100% a game” for better clarification, methinks. Even if some games don’t end at 100% and go farther into the percentages, I’m sure most people would understand what that means.


Never have I ever read Terza rima in the realm, TMgian’s short love letter for valentine’s event


Never have I broke a bone


Never have I ever made or prepared french fries.


Never have I ever seen a goose kissing a moose.


I have… down by the bay.


Never have I ever made a drawing without the color blue.


Never have I ever seen a celebrity irl.


An old friend of mine had a father who played in the NFL at that time (he retired several years ago). When I was 6 or something, she invited me to her birthday party and several members of the football team were there. I didn’t really watch the sport back then, though, so I didn’t recognize any of them. It wasn’t until years later when I realized that I went bowling with pro football players. Still had hell of a good time, though.


Do professional sportsmen or politicans count?


I got to see the rock band “Journey” in Utah’s Stadium of Fire about 7 years, because my grandparents attend that every 4th of July-ish time, and they happened to want to fly me down. I had no idea who they were at the time, but it was incredibly loud, and I wanted to leave that part of the event so bad lol

I don’t know who would count as a celebrity in your book, but I’ve also met some other very important, less entertainment based people, some of whom I spoke with.


I attended Sir Ian McKellen’s 80th birthday celebration. He’s a lovely man!


“You’re late, Gandalf.”


A wizard is never late. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.


Never have I been late to school

( Late less than 5 minutes that is )



Technically it’s a sketch but have you done a Black & White drawing


I genuinely can’t find a drawing I’ve done without blue, I’m assuming I have done one without but I haven’t found any evidence of such :man_shrugging: And I draw regularly too. I was not counting unfinished drawings and by drawings I didn’t mean random stuff I put in margins of homework I meant actual drawings that I sketch and ink and then color, otherwise totally would have done one. Mainly draw cartoon characters like Pokémon and will often use blue for some shading, though a very light blue


Never have I used Twitter


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