Never have I ever (for real this time)


Never have i ever been satisfied after punching someone


never have i ever punched someone with the intent of hurting them


This also didn’t age well


Okay this is now invalid


Yeah this is still valid
the truth hurts


clearly you haven’t met someone named Vadim


Never have i ever ate something that wasn’t edible, like a hand spinner


Does gum count?




How about paper?


Anything is edible if you try hard enough.


Or it’s only a matter of how many times. For instance, just once.


Never have I ever clicked on @Shatter’s profile.


Click it D:<


No D:<



wait wait wait ill click it hold on


see there’s no need to do that :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Isn’t it a cute crocheted Land fish, how would you have lived without seeing it.?

Thanks to @Lucy for that <3


Never have I ever failed to worship @Shatter

Looking at you @GammaGamer


cough Edit: Nvm I instantly regret this comment cough