Never have I ever (for real this time)


What did I do? :no_mouth:


You failed to worship @Shatter as the god he is!

Shatter, punish him, my lord!


but im atheist noooooooo


11 replies in 15 minutes on a thread I thought was dead wtf


Never have I ever thought this would happen.


Ah, I sorta brought it back, didn’t I?


Never have I ever hated vegemite (ngl looking at all you Americans)


lmao. In third grade when I was an attention whore I ate a ton of staples (yes). I’m surprised im still alive


replying to post 32 from april of last year…

This is finally not true anymore


Owo demonseye liked it…




Never have i ever made a snowman


Damn, and I thought my experiences were unhealthy.

Whenever we had a field trip (yes, in third grade!), a friend and I would always sit together on the bus. The seat in front of ours usually rip in the back, so people could see all of the spongy stuff inside. The friend and I made up a competition where we would grab as much of the sponge into our little hands and stuff them into our mouths.

Fun times. I miss those days.


I ate a coin once, I found it on the street (yeah) and rinsed it in hot water. Nothing happened, idk where it is now (maybe it’s still there owo)


Why do you all eat weird stuff? Weirdest thing I ate was paper which isn’t to weird.


I don’t think I’ve ever consumed paper with full conscience of my own action (I probably have when I was really little). Probably because I’ve been afraid of getting a paper cut on my throat. I don’t know what sort of logic led to this belief, but hey, I was stupid when little. =P


never have I ever gotten annoyed that someone put the roll of toilet paper on the “wrong” way


I don’t even mind when somone doesn’t replace the roll once empty.

everyone else at work wants to set out on a witch hunt.


I don’t even know what the wrong way is, when i was young we just kept the toilet paper on a stool beside the toilet or on a near by shelf


loose end towards the wall=wrong