New Class Concept/Idea


So I have this idea for a new class, and its pretty team-oriented. Its going to be class that, instead of healing hp, like a Necromancer, or a Priest, it instantly regenerates your mana. It would have a heal effect of a priest, splashing around yourself. It wouldn’t regenerate your own MP, however, and thats why I said it was pretty team-oriented. You would have to rely on raw damage to get your soul bound. It could also be like a priest, having a gradually heal for MP, along with the instant heal. Let me know if this would be too OP, or if it would be too garbage. I think this would slightly re add the “team” concept before pets.


Might have been a good class idea prior to pets but with pets, and most having Heal/MHeal/xxx or MHeal/Heal/xxx it seems pretty useless. There may be a few very select circumstances where it could be helpful but it does not make sense to have an entire class for this idea.
Beyond that, the class would have to spend MP to support others classes, how do you reconcile this, does it boost the classes MP (your own) too, or only others? If it self boosts, what is the cool down time you have in mind?


I think this could actually be worked around if you make it’s stats higher then normal and then gave it like a 6 second cooldown ability


actually I was thinking about it, and I think that it would work as a necro, instantly regenerating others mp, but doesn’t give you or anyone else, a “gradual mp regeneration”. It wouldn’t regenerate your own mp, since that would be little too op. you would be able to spam your ability, legit making wisdom useless.


you make it seem as if wisdom is not already useless…


If you did that, you’d probably have to insitute some sort of cooldown for certain abilities like shields to keep them from being even more broken than they already are.


Tbh, I’ve always pondered about the idea of a class that harmed itself to help others. Imagine getting debuffs crazy but buffing your pals almost as much


If pillars in the nexus doesn’t regenerate MP then there is a reason.


Deca has already been working with the concept giving mana to others players.


+37 mp seems kinda lame. lol. Ecspecially considering divine pets offer 45 mp/sec. But cool, didn’t kow about it!


Yeah, but I don’t know how long it should be. 10 seconds would make it useless, and 3 seconds would be too overpowered.


I think this class might be for lower level parties that don’t have divine or legendary pets. As I said above, it would slightly re add a “team” concept, where the priest heals, the assassin crowd controls(not really), pally and warrior buffs, etc etc.


but it doesn’t make sense to create a class that will only have use in early game


How about taking your hp and healing mp?


so what would it do with MP. does it just not have a mp bar?


idk fam lmao


The game shouldn’t be balanced around the literal embodiment of hundreds of dollars.

Mana healing abilities are pretty dumb though in my opinion.


idk a mp healer sounds kinda useless thats what pets do nowadays


yeah, but with a 70/70 rare pet, it’s still pretty lame. ANd most people can get a 70/70 rare pet f2p


I know because I have a 70/70. As I said even so the ability looks kinda awful to me.