New Classes Idea (Blacksmith)


NEW Classes Blacksmith


Blacksmith Weapon & Armour

  • Sword
  • Hammer
  • Heavy Armour
  • Ring

Blacksmith Stats:

  • HP 770
  • MP 252
  • DEF 30
  • ATT 50
  • SPD 55
  • DEX 75
  • VIT 75
  • WIS 60

NEW Ability call sharpen

  • When use blacksmith ability it give normal weapon power to pierce through enemy
    Exmple: give sword a ability to do pierce or Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
  • if that weapon already have piercing, like a bow, the effect will do nothing
  • yes this ability does give party effect

New Effect sprite call: Sharpen



We just got a blacksmith for the forge


Idea and practicality aside, does anyone else think the sprite kind of looks like a kinky bondage suit?


Idk, the sprite seems very similar to the juggernaut warrior skin


The status effect itself is nice and I’ve thought of it before too (of a status effect giving multi-hit). The problem I see with it being given to a class as a base effect is the same as giving Armor Break to tiered abilities. Just like giving high accessibility to Armor Break would cause all Armor ignoring weapons to lose their utility, It makes weapons having less damage but multi-hit very bad, especially since youll be most likely perma buffed by it in a large group. It would be a nice status effect to give to an event white but not to a tiered ability methinks.

Also, the sprite for the status icon has to be 8x8; 16x16; etc. Yours is 16x12


just imagine going in to god-land with pixie/colossus sword that have a power to do piercing shot

edit: or going in shatter/LH with everyone have this buff clearing Stacked enemy would have never been easier


I don’t think a hammer class would have high dexterity and low attack, also the ability makes piercing weapons useless


for making no benefit for weapons that already have piercing ability is for balance purpose. he use sword for attacking enemy not hammer, but if you think about it blacksmith work on a lots of hammering metals so big arms big dexterity make sense.


I’d say that Realm is very finely balanced atm, and adding piercing to literally any weapon would completely break the game. For instance, Lumiare’s (did i spell that right?) right now is broken enough already. Now, imagine if it could pierce. Also, it would render quite a few UTs completely worthless, like Rapier and Indomptable. If a buff that made any weapon pierce was added, these weapons’ unique niche would be destroyed, and the weapons themselves would only be used as FP/forge material.

also, he should have high att and low dex imo


Lumi is broken because it end game item high risk high reward item, and that mean some does not have this item, only few.

it would’t make some UT worthless because dmg is dmg, pierce doesn’t give dmg it still balanced because it doesn’t give that.

warrior already have high att and i don’t want another warrior, and blacksmith already look like a warrior just look at him.


Cough In context of what you are saying, yes, but I don’t like the wand/katana situation right now. Nor the potential power creep that could follow.


never mind, i take back all i have said about balancing ^


Status effect doesn’t mesh well with other classes. It would be cool if blacksmith would give a def boost to those around you, but bard kinda took over that role already.


Coming back to this it would actually be cool if there was a Critical hit in Realm, and Blacksmiths ability should do that.

10% chance of critical.

Critical = Double damage

This would make fast weapons more broken but it’s cool


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