New Event Chest: The Shatters from Dec 29 to Jan 02


Current Shatters Event Chest
How rare is the Bloody Surprises Cloak?
Keys for portals

How’s everyone’s shatter event going, either I’ve had amazing luck with it or the chest is just really overpowered. I’ve never gotten a shatters white EVER until yesterday, did maybe 20 shatts on my wizard got 4 bracers and 2 crowns from the chest, as well as tons of tops and st’s and skins wtf… and the event isn’t even over yet. I feel like I don’t deserve this and throughout the shatters discord server I run it with I’ve noticed that atleast like a handful people get a white bag each run.

So yeah do you guys think the event chest needs a slight nerf? Hows your event going?


40+ got a skin


i havent even done any shatters


BS I can’t seem to get one so no.


Still 0-0-0


ive done about 6, gotten a bracer and lady knight skin along with 2 ST spells.

its OP.
Dont complain.


i swear it’s rigged
I haven’t gotten anything :frowning:


One person gets lucky in an rng based system: "GUYS ITS TOO OP MAYBE WE SHOULD NERF"
RNG. Some people will get double whites, some will get fat zeros the entire event. That’s the unfortunate system we have.


I know that in an rng based system, some will profit more than others but that doesnt mean it can’t be too strong either. Just asking for opinions anyway

yea i agree oh well


It’s crazy amazing. I’ve gotten a bracer and two crowns, as well as like +40 life in pure or tops/St


Yea i just use the shatters discord for really fast shatters. ive found you can get mad loot so quickly with the event haha

(Link if anyone wants)


Dang thats just bad luck even without the event id assume youd get something out of 40 runs

You should try some!


You are just lucky

I did a lot of shatts and none are white


I havent even done shatters yet because people cant cooperate when it comes to clearing everyone just starts Triggering most of the enemies and end up getting swarmed

ase life guys… btw anyone want some fresh rotmg memes ?




Nah, you’re just lucky tbh.


You can go fuck yourself with your luck. I swear to god threads like this and the other one called " Is it just me or are Deca’s new event white drop rates broken?" needs to be banned or renamed. Enough of these dumb clickbait titles.


Luck base perspective


300 Done. 0 Whites. Regular troll luck. 0/8/1 btw