New Experimental setting idea


Have you ever lost a white bag because you pressed R before Enter?
Ever panicked and nexused, just to see a flash of white and blue?

No more! Just activate the Save my white bag setting in the Experimental options, and whenever you nexus, the contents of all of your white bags in a 20 tile radius go right into your inventory!

If your inventory is full, oof.

If the contents of the bag are more than your inventory, it will prioritize putting the white bag item in above all else.


I always thought it would be nice if there was an option that allowed you to have white bags that you didn’t see/pickup would go to your vault (gift chest). Although this could be abused as a way of extra storage. Tell me what you think.


I like it!


loses Cdirk to save EP


I kind of meant in the empty spaces, they wouldn’t override existing ones


oh, I must’ve misunderstood. this still seems OP, as there is a reason for most nexuses even after boss.


Yeah, it does kinda make things too easy, and could be weird in dungeons like tombs where there are multiple bosses. A special noise that could help differentiate between whites and other bag drops might be cool though, especially for things like QoTs.


Isn’t this just a glorified autoloot function?

I mean don’t get me wrong but it seems kind of out of place in a game like RotMG. Also white bag droppers would have a hard time e.g. sprite farmers

At the very least, maybe there should be a mute-override white bag drop sound that’s different than other bag drop sounds so we know that it’s been dropped, even if we don’t see it / have gamesound off. That would make a good Decamenu setting.


I don’t understand what that scenario means.

But anyway, half the point of Rotmg is to have fun dodging things and not dying. Take out the need to dodge a mess of godlands cube leftovers risking it all to grab loot from the bag, by having an autolooter do it for us, and we’d lose the thrill/good feeling when we do it and get it right.

Same reason why players using autononsense are only conning themselves out of a good gameplay experience. If I want to watch a screen where I don’t actually do anything myself I might as well go watch Youtube vids. :thinking:




Maybe coulda you know, shot some of the the skulls… or dodged? Rip


Isn’t this basically autoloot?


People could just use this as a lazy way to avoid the risk of picking an item up. For example, in a FFA Tomb of the Ancients, a person could just nexus after seeing a white bag from one of the bosses, and still obtain the item without taking the risk to go over and pick it up.

In my opinion, the option should work only if there are also no enemies in the 20 tile radius, that way players can’t just avoid the risk of going in and picking it up.


For Autoloot, you at least need to stand over the bag (I think).
For this, all you need to do is be nearby the bag, making this even more effective than Autoloot.


Implement this NOW


For example, you’re finna type “REE” in chat or “Ready” in a Cemetery and you’re a fast typer, sometimes the game will take you to the nexus instead…

That can be a problem, so that might have been one reason why he was talking about the white bag save funct.


actually, now that I think about it why not just bind nexus to another key


In the end, having R as the nexus key is the most accessible.


I use F and find it just as easy for me, if not easier.


Just couldn’t see R being in many things that you’d say often on looting a wb.
“white”, “wb”, “omg”, “yess”, “no way”, “wow”, etc
But I’m sure we could compile a list of R words that would get shouted too:
like “Oreo”, “Dirk”, etc

I guess white bag lust blinds the senses same as dying while looting, transfixed on the items, some people try to type out a thing before doing the important bit (going and picking it up).