New Heavy Armor Idea | Breastplate of Enchanted Light


All easy dungeons

[quote=“XHippobroX, post:59, topic:18472”]
Helpful situations:
Ice cave
Other places with a ton of debuffs
[/quote]Literally all the profitable and hard dungeons in the game made easy


other than you’re taking almost full damage from each shot. Tomb and shats have annoying debuffs that could be avoided but the bullets do a ton of damage.

But sprite is a dungeon that is a key source of dex and common whites for common classes. and abyss drops dblade which is an important melee equip. Plus events are not easy most of the time and drop stat pots and decent/overpowered whites.


the lack of defense is a important thing to think about in this dungeons. things you can normally tank could insta kill you otherwise.


proven yesterday by candyshi and toatz :3 you will get double the minus in def. aka. -48def


Color scheme is literally shrek armor. Come on @XHippoBroX


Breastplate of enchanted light

Breastplate of New Life

Original names ftw


fucking op in lhs


Maybe when you’re armor broken, but the lack of def could get you killed otherwise.


i made sprite xDDDDD


You do realize that every single shot in LHs either do so much damage def doesn’t do jack shit, or ignores armor?


WAYYY to op (immune to debuffs 1000 fp the only thing is u have no def)


git gud stop promoting shrek


I like. Shrek! :smirk:


Slap this on a knight and rush sewers cause pets are broken and knight is overpowered


Just because they do alot of damage doesn’t mean armor doesn’t matter, you’re still taking ~20 or ~40 less damage per shot, ~40-80 health is enough to let you nexus in before dying.


the water would still slow you down, and you could easily get shrekt by a mob of sewers enemies.


if ur a maxed knight and u had no def from armor ur still pretty close to pally and warr def stats


Tbh, this armor would be completely useless. You can say you can use it on a knight. However, would you really risk everything in order not to have debuffs? Many high-level dungeons would have so many debuffs to consider this “useful.” But, I’m pretty sure you would die before you would get anywhere. Good idea and try. But with the dungeons we have now. It seems very, very useless.


did u know
without the def from armor…
a knight still is almost the level of tank as the other melees?


Maxed knight with no armor(def from armors) bonus still have +63 Def

Maxed warrior have +74 Def

Maxed pally have +74 Def

Someone can say “but pally and warrior have whites that give them Armored (148def)” but knight still have stun effect shield and really dont need that many def, another one can say “but knight need def for going close the monster to stun” ea that is right but skilfull knight can dodge all attacks and stun.