New Helm: Helm of Demonic Carnage


Tier: Untiered
MP Cost: 110
Duration: 5 seconds
Range: 3
Effect: Berserk to self, Damaging to self, HP Increase to all
Stat Bonus: +8 ATK, +7 DEX
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 1000


Drops from Malphas



Why Damaging and Berserk on warrior? At the same time? With an upgraded Crown on it to boot?


Lol itā€™s an idea. xD Might be a bit OP so they could lower the duration to like 3 sec


I donā€™t like this idea. 1st, that helm makes warrior soooo much more broken. Itā€™s a pally with berserk on a warrior. Also:

That doesnā€™t really seem to fit. Make game bonus like 5 or 6%

Best I can do is to tell you to get rid of berserk since you have the +7 dex, but thisā€™ll still be realllllllly broken


Why would the warrior ever need +8 att? He already has 75


ā€œBit OPā€ my ass. Have you actually tried putting this on a DPS calculator? It out damaged almost everything besides robe classes with EP. Just saying itā€™s an idea does not justify jack shit thought process behind an idea.


WOWā€¦ this is brokenā€¦
People have tried before to make a berserk/damaging helm with LEGIT downsides and everyone still said ā€œBad ideaā€ YOU sir have balls making this like this.
Props to you :clap:


It looks kinda like this helm


This is basically a direct seal upgrade for a class with already too much dps
So no

  1. Way overpowered.
  2. Horrendous sprite.
  3. No need to make the warrior even stronger. I mean we already have a knight version. cough jugg
  4. Just noā€¦


Please use this link to check the ā€˜Balanceā€™ of the item you have made:

I applied the stats of your helm and you can very, very clearly see the massive DPS compared to other classes (Only warrior has buffs becuse im basing this off the classes natural abilities) and thatā€™s without Crown and Fire battle armor so I used EX Att because thatā€™s more accessible (Could get much more broken). You canā€™t balance an item that gives both buffs because then youā€™ll be adding random status effects to balance it out and no item should be stacked witch effects. You could be on to something though if you keep working on it and if you keep trying, maybe youā€™ll make an item that really shines


Next time try to consider the plausibility of your ideas before you post it here. This helm is just straight up broken.


I like the idea but maybe something like armor broken to switch out the + hp to make it more different and less op also if it did drop in abby it would make more people do them cause rn not alot of people run abbys


01 PM


Iā€™ll be waiting to see this when DECA comes out with T10 abilities


So letā€™s look through everything.

First Scan:
First things Iā€™m going to note is that your helm only has partial shading and in the small area which is shaded, the helm is way too heavily shaded. When youā€™re shaidng an item, you do it a bit at a time instead of all at once. Otherwise, itā€™ll be easily noticeable and judged. However, very few things look good with no shading so Iā€™m going to suggest a more gradual shading. Also, I would like to note that the red part of you helm is lightest at the top right meaning if there was a theoretical light, it would be at the top right. If that were the case, the horns and the rest of the helm have to be shaded in the same way. Itā€™s not a bad design but shading needs work.
This helm lacks a cooldown. This may be a mistake, but if not, I would like for you to consider how broken this helm is. Just for general advice, if you are making an ability that is somewhat similar to another item that happens to have a cooldown, you probably want to add a cooldown.

Deeper Analysis
Please no. You happen to be adding damaging and beserk to and ability that gives 8 atk, 7 dex, has a 5 second duation and doesnā€™t come with a cooldown? Warriorā€™s base atk is already insanely high and itā€™s overall dps is the highest of any class in the game. This damage seems unneccesary overkill.
Beserk and damaging? In case you didnā€™t already know, this is a very powerful combination. However, at this point, Iā€™m going to pull of the largest problem with the helm. Not one wrong with your helm but with the game. The game was developed as a co-op where multiple people work together to win. If you look at the majority of items, there are very few that can only helps one self(Spells and Stars (Also arguably cloaks but cloaks can be used to help rush for a group which it generally is used for)). This helm, although it does give a HP increase to all(the amount of hp is not noted), if a helm is to give both damagin and beserk, the amount of hp increase has to be limited so over all, this is making warrior even more capable of being a solo class.
The range is less then a standard helm which once more makes warrior more of a solo class.
Too long.
Fame Bonus
Too low.

My personal opinion on this helm is that it is salvageable. My personal addition would to split the hp buff and the damagin/beserk into two parts. The helm should have a cooldown of six seconds and beserk and damaging to self for only 3 seconds. However, the catch to make up for this overpowered combination, is that while beserk and damaging, you will also be armor broken. However, the hp increase, which would be of 100, lasts for 5 seconds and the range should be moved back to the normal of 4. Fame Bonus should be moved to 5% and Stat bonuses should be in hp due to the armor broken section of the helm so the helm gives +120 hp instead of the 10 def from the standard helm


I dont like the sprite


Deep analysis :smiley:


I always go deepšŸ˜‰