New Huge Pixie giveaway!


I like Biff


Biff is mean :frowning:


Enter me in yo


You r in. Thanks for entering!


ppe btw


LOL haaha


Okay I’ve been putting this off for long enough. Count me in.


what does bump mean am I still in the giveaway?


I’d assume you are still in the giveaway.


awesome im happier now


Thanks for entering! :wink:


Yep! He’s right. You are definitely in!


when are the results announced.

Btw, my IGN is Basketboyy.

I cant keep a character to save my life Lam Chopss I effin need these Pixies lol!


The results are posted tomorrow at night time!


ive been waiting for this giveaway to close for 2 weeks! cant wait anymore so pretty excited


:smiley: Good luck dude


Wow! Great video! Good luck to everyone in the giveaway :smiley: !


can I still join


or is it too late. I wanted a pixie


You can join! No worries :sweat_smile: