New Katana Idea


i had no time to think about stats if you have any idea post it in comments


Looks cool, but what’s it called and what are the stats?


… nice reading bro


Never mind. Sometimes words become invisible to me…


Ōdachi of Ceremonies


Tier: UT
Shots: 1
Damage: 134-170
Projectile Speed: 17.67 Tile(s)/second
Lifetime: 310 Milliseconds
Range: 5.7 Tiles
Amplitude: 0.2 Tile(s)
Frequency: 0.5 Cycle(s)/shot
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feedpower: 785


That looks



i like the idea of odachi but i would make it hard hitting low firerate long ranged weapon something in the manner of dbow for ninja i think that would fit the odachi better as these swords were really long and heavy the user often needed help at drawing one


I prefer the sound of your idea.


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