New Login Rewards Calendar [June 2017]


EDIT: Looks like DECA updated the calendar, so this is what the new one looks like.

June Login Calendar

Yeah, this one sucks. Might take the month off and try again in July… :slight_smile:

*goes out*
*takes a deep breath of fresh air and feels good*
*goes back to the computer and starts playing realm anyway*
*dies a little more inside*


is this not a repeat?


And in case you didn’t get Stanley the LAST TWO F***ING TIMES. Here’s another chance.

Most Liked Replys

Its bad™. Time to feed stanley skin to a pet again.


that’s aprils calendar i think but if they start repeating things thats bad


Looks a lot like March… Might be a long time until we get char slots again. :expressionless:


The only thing I see myself getting here is the backpack. I was rather hoping for a more backpack focused calendar for MotMG but I guess they are saving all the good stuff for the main event?


Backpack, double cheeseburger, and rare egg if i get a humanoid r the only half decent things.


Just logged on now to see if it somehow counted as the last day in May, it didn’t, 1 day short for the ambrosia.

Oh well let’s see what June’s calendar is…





Thanks for the backpack


I have a feeling it was a mistake and Deca meant to do something else.
Or it was intentional and Deca was feeling lazy.


Let’s hope it wasn’t the latter. I imagine this is just the fall back the game chooses if it isn’t given a new one. (come on deca do something nice for MotMG!)


And not repeat it all over again…


honestly, at this rate i doubt there will even BE a MotMG
Fingers crossed deca becomes nice


can you give a skin that is not stanley

like the drow trickster


Fixed that for you. :relieved:

But yeah, I agree, even a different one would appeal to some players. But repeating the same skin, and in its SB form so we can’t even merch it away, lazzzy.


They cant be stuffed changing the skin we get cause they r all too lazy, so they give us the same one 3 out of 4 months. 10/10 deca


I, for one, am happy to get another chance at a rare egg.


Atleast they have 140 minutes of loot drop