New Quiver from Hermit


Before you comment about it, yes, I saw a post made by BullBomber about giving the Grand Sphinx and the Hermit God new drops since they both drop the Jugg even though every other Event God has its own unique drop, and while I didn’t like that his new items were BOTH Wakis, I did love the idea of giving the Hermit a new item. I had this quiver concept for a while (for an ST set), but I decided to just use it for this.


interesting idea. i could see this being used to rush dungeons quickly, the issue i see is that with enough mana an archer could be perma rushing. making


Too many shades in the sprite. Try some color variation rather than gradient.


A third event Quiver…? Why…?


i mean its just an idea. I remember when i posted a sorc set, i got roasted because they had the lab set already, but a while later the st set for the sorc came out :man_shrugging:


A Sorcerer set isn’t as bad, by any means. Sorcerer was underrepresented. Quivers, though… all UT quivers are extremely rare. Two from events, one from Lost Halls.


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