New reworked trap (finished)


Max active trap are 4 trap at same time

Throw the trap will only use 80% of all mp cost

Trap will last more longer 25(+5)

You will be able to retrieve the trap and get certain
Amount of mp(by holding space bar)

Active for 2.5 second
You get 80%of mp your use to throw it

2.6-5 second
get 70% mp

5-10 second
get 60% mp

10+ second
get 40% mp

now trap(single) are be trigger multiple time
with cool down equal to debuff duration

when trap are trigger
it will cost 20% of total mp cost
and reset trap live time to 25 second again


I want to make sense of this, but i can’t, please provide some stats and a proper explanation in one paragraph, if not, then at least don’t throw around words like that…


Simpler explanation
You can use more trap with less mp
And you able to retrieve (collect/remove)
Active trap to gain mp back


that doesn’t really help actually…


Ah yes, methinks trap when 7 points is 3 trap pickup activate when 2 is atrapper 1.

Please reword your idea in proper English and format it correctly, I have no idea what this trap does.


I may be incorrect here but i think the main difference between hunt and archer was essentially the amount of times you could use the abilities. By being able to use more as hunt i feel it would make archer less viable. Just my 2 cents


Please, if you want to make an item idea, provide :

  • Name
  • Description
  • Sprite
  • Stats (stat bonuses, mp cost, damage…)
  • Explanations concerning how the item works

Here you only gave the last one, making this idea more than incomplete. Next time, put together a complete idea before posting.

Also, if a mod closes your post, there is a reason : New rework trap

@Doc could you take care of this please? (you are the one that closed the last one)


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