New sheild with other effect please


I think that rotmg should add a sheild that effects the enemy with bleedy and its sort of like a thorn sheild and gives u +10 speed for like 1-5 seconds that would be cool if they added one


Yes, and let’s just add a shield for each status effect in the game and then add a random stat buff that comes along with it.

Seriously, what’s the point?


At least he gave some ideas… Since this game is getting worst each day passing on…even more now that sword nerf will be a thing…


to be fair they kinda needed it.


C’mon that’s not real nice. Just putting down other’s ideas isn’t the sorta thing we want to encourage.


If you want a dps based shield, try the new st one. It does great dmg/mp cost. If you want a shield with some speed, snake skin shield is actually viable, with knight’s huge amounts of def.


they needed some ability nerfs, not damage nerfs…


Not really, I could see some def being taken from Warrior’s helm but the abilities themselves dont really need nerfs. (I would actually like to see the warrior’s ability buff, its range should be increased imo)


Warrior 100% does not need a buff.
I say this as a warrior main: warrior VERY OP


Seeing as this isn’t a fully fleshed out idea yet, I’ve moved it to --> #ideas:wip.

Honestly, I don’t really see a need to make Knight fast like that.
It’s one of their weaknesses for sure - but I think having Warrior be the exclusive high-speed one is for the best.
I mean, you can’t have a class that’s really defensive, really powerful, and really fast, right?


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