New ST set and A STory of War!


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New Sets and Upcoming Events
Error in ST Crate descriptions

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I don’t know what’s worse, Deca putting 92700 for the final tier, or knowing that people will actually buy that.


It’s only 600 USD man, just drop a course and you can afford… OH wait you pay int’l price you could get two of each set…


Tfw you have 80 attack on a set and everyone flips, so you add MORE ATTACK

Jesus christ that pirate set is going to hit for what, like 2250 per hit?

Helm is just broken, normal helm with a passive super damage effect

Trap is basically apothecary from Darza’s

Tome is just a better furor

These ability items are ridiculous just in general


i’ll do thanks


Honestly everything except the warrior set is fine, the tome gives you 55 less hp, 7 less spd and 5 less def than furor for the payoff of just 20 att vs. 15 dex, trap is cool imo because it helps make huntress more than just an archer clone via support and has a high mp cost and limited radius, it’s really just a lower duration and radius pally buff without the extra hp.

Edit: Nvm, the warrior set actually kinda sucks after doing the calcs, there aren’t actually any OP items here.


Yay items that are only available through paying


Ah, so they kept the tome that apparently is made from Oryx barf. Okay.


Nevermind, apparently -30dex and +100 att only increases warrior’s dps by about 15% (from 6 to 3.4 shots per second with double damage) which with the low dps of the sword and -20 speed actually seems kinda bad, the set bonus is still dumb, but not broken, the only OP item here as far as i can tell is the bow

Edit: Nevermind, bow doesn’t pierce, it’s not OP.


But definitely makes a pally ally (just typed that, looked at it, and instantly regretted it, but not gonna delete it so that everyone must read “pally ally”) nicer to have around


Also, why the hell wouldn’t you run this after christmas when people actually have money?


don’t give them ideas


iirc it was about 1300 or so? Roughly the same as Indomptable’s damage with “standard” attack, except it doesn’t pierce. Also, you’re a lot slower.


The bright yellow is the full set. Berserk, Damaging and Curse on every single one of them. The sword also has decently slow shots. The white line is a Colo, Jugg, Mercy’s Bane (pfiffel doesn’t have mbane so I just added 7 atk and dex to the warrior’s base stats) and crown set aka the max dps set.

Also, the helm gives the same speedy and berserk duration as the tier 1 helm and also costs 30 more MP.


Tbh, while I hate the idea of having to pay or even letting people pay for what is essentially DECA rwt, I still like this system better than just throwing it in a mystery box. At least this way, if I wanted to buy tomb keys for the tomb event, I get a little something extra for my support of the game. Also, supposedly this new system will have increased drop rates after these items come out in mystery boxes, so there is always the chance to get them from drops. The increased drop rates for the soon to be legacy sets is also nice, and it coincides with the chest events.


Nevermind, the bow doesn’t pierce, not even that one is OP, so, well, this is fine overall, they just gotta make the warrior set less weird and bad.


Hol’ up, this is a campaign? Dammit, I was actually tempted to return so I can finally hunt for more items to try out ;-;

I love the abilities though, I can see their experimentation with unique side effects upon taking damage is coming to good use


@Unicorn, is there a possible reason for


Or just an accident?


Well I’m not Deca but I think it was on purpose b/c of all these new ST’s…


Pirate set released and it’s paywalled? :frowning: