New summer skins....?


Man no wonder DECA did a skin competition. No offense to the creators but most of these are really ugly.


master yourself
master the enemy


The Snorkeler Knight just looks completely messed up


If these are the fucking contest winners then I have lost all faith in the spriting community.

If these are not, UGC wTF? Get poshun back please he’ll fix these


miss every single fucking q


Looks like the monk broke his leg. It is not that good in my opinion.


Pretty sure the indian beauty skin has been in a box before.


jellyhead trickster tho


Beach party necro is sexy AF. And even though I HATE Paladin, that monk Paladin skin is AWESOME!!!


Why? Just why? DECA please these are awful. :wilted_flower:


No doubt, the monk paladin brings a new perspective on how skins are made, but how does he move and attack? Does he wiggle?


10/10 editing skills by me


The only ones that look really good are jellyhead and lil beach

The snorkeler knight’s mask seems twisted


I detest the majority of these new skins. I have seen the animations, and Monk Paladin has some interesting animations, I’d say it’s decent, but only because it’s unique.
I kinda like Indian Beauty, but even then, I’m keeping my standards at an all time low. The mini Beachcake rogue is actually pretty good.
Overall, disappointing batch of skins. Really.


idk about the other but the Inari has definitely been released already. I would know because that was the box that had my baby drake in it.


Snorkeler Knight :thinking:


Hey on the good side, the Beach Party Necromancer looks awesome


These were released to prod on accident, and aren’t all the skins planned to be released, so they might be subject to change.
There is hope for my skin, too, because there wasn’t one for Ninja among those…


I hope some of these skins are better animated. I do like a couple, and the Indian Beauty is one of the sorc skins I have considered buying (decided to wait a little in case the one I really want gets added).


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