New UT Sword: Sword of Underwhelming Anticlimax


Hi everyone, so I was just sitting on the toilet earlier… and so I thought, why not make an extremely strange and quirky sword that makes no sense but is still a decent idea? Here’s the result:

Sword of Underwhelming Anticlimax

In-Game Description:

Ladies and gentlemen, here it is… The great… The one and only… The… Oh. It’s that one.


  • Tier: UT
  • Damage: 99-201 (Updated)
  • Range: 3.51
  • Rate of Fire: 105%
  • Stat Bonus: +2 ATT, +10 HP (Updated)
  • Special properties: Shots pass through enemies, Shots pass through obstacles, Armor piercing
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 850

Ok, so far it seems a bit weird, but not really off the grid yet. Here’s where it gets really avant-garde.

Here is the normal projectile, a 2-pixel bullet:

HOWEVER, one in every 1,000 shots, instead of shooting this normal shot, it shoots a one (yes, just one) damage armor piercing shot that ignores your attack (In other words, it always does one damage) has a 15 tile range, and produces the sound the void entity makes when it is hit. It looks like this:

Optional - {Oh, and one more thing - 1/500 shots gives you berserk for 2 seconds, 1/800 shots gives you sick for 3 seconds, and 1/5000 shots gives you drunk for 1 second.}

May have forgotten to mention it drops from the Puppet Master at 1/200 and the Puppet Master 2 at 1/150.

So, what do you guys think? Is it a good concept, too OP, too weak, or simply just too strange? I look forward to your feedback!



You know what? I’m just gonna make a quick poll to get feedback easier c:

  • Love this item!
  • Great concept, too complicated
  • Pretty good… Yeah, pretty good.
  • The sprites look a wee bit bad.
  • Too OP/weak
  • Too weird
  • Horrible item, I must now wash my eyes out with bleach.

0 voters


I actually really like this item, but it would probably be hard to program into the game. Plus, there are enough swords already.


The damage on the sword is too low. It does the same amount of damage as a lucky fire sword…


Armor piercing and pierces through enemies tho. But it is a bit low, maybe a flat 125?


Fairly certain tiered swords have 3.5 range. Shouldn’t this be 3.51?


I’m liking this sword.


Ah, you’re right. Oops.

I’ll go ahead and fix that now.


I could also increase fire rate, perhaps. Or increase both.

Or I could just decrease the damage to so little that it becomes a vanity.

I’ll let you choose c:


so you thought of this because u didn’t cum? …


How nice.


Yeah can we get a rain check on the name?


Alright everyone, I’ve made a few updates to the sword on your request, hope it seems a bit better now.


So, I’ve just updated this once more by simplifying the stat bonuses on this item, plus some other minor things.


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