New Weapon Idea: Axe[Along with a class idea]


You’re probably wondering, what the hell, a new weapon? But hear me out.

With the introduction of the samurai, now every weapon has at least two classes behind it. And granted, while there could always be a new class for the wands, the bows, and the katanas(oh look, all three are piercing), let’s face it; it’s been 6 years since the last weapon has been created. It’s definitely time for a new one.

Introducing, the Axe!

Okay, what’s an axe?
The Axe is a medium-high damage weapon that has short range and a slightly lower rate of fire. It’s a piercing weapon, and has slightly lower range than swords, specifically 3.1. However, it doesn’t have its base damage output as well as range of higher ranged weapons like katanas.

So what makes this special? I’m glad you asked. The projectile from an axe will boomerang, meaning it will come to and back from the player. This means that combined, it has higher damage output than swords, at the cost of being a more dangerous weapon to use.


With the release of the New Samurai, heavy armor classes are gaining in popularity.
If the axe were to be released into the game, only Heavy Armor Classes would use them.

INTRODUCING, the Valkyrie
An image of what she could look like should she be in game

Game Description: The Valkyrie uses an Axe to chop away at the unjust, while using her Spear to inspire her allies and push back foes.

How to unlock: Level 20 with both Samurai and Ninja.

Stat Caps

HP: 770
MP: 252
ATT: 50
DEF: 30
SPD: 50
DEX: 50
VIT: 75
WIS: 60

Overall Valkyrie has pretty high stats in HP, DEF, and VIT, as well as a decent amount of Wisdom and overall average stats otherwise.

The Valkyrie’s special ability is the Spear, which is, like the title suggests, an actual spear that the Valkyrie can throw. Holding down the ability button will give a boost to surrounding players: Inspire. This increases the wisdom of everyone around the Valkyrie by 15. It always drains 15 MP/second no matter the Spear or its tier.

Tiers of the Axe

Wooden Axe(T0): 35-80
Reinforced Axe(T1): 45-85
Limestone Axe(T2): 55-90
Marble Axe(T3): 55-95
Iron Axe(T4): 65-95
Bronze Axe(T5): 70-100
Silver Axe(T6): 80-100
Gold Axe(T7): 90-110
Emerald Axe(T8): 100-110
Fullmetal Axe(T9): 110-125
Axe of Misery(T10): 120-130
Diamond Axe (T11): 125-135
Axe of Jotunheim(T12): 140-150
Valhalla’s Axe(T13): 150-160

If it were to drop from the Kage Kami
Parashu(UT): 90-120[Ignores Armor, two shots similar to a Cbow]

All of them drop with weapons of their own tier.

I’ll come up with the Spear’s design soon, as well as their respective stats. If you have any questions lmk!


It’s not a good idea to inflict speed change by someone unknown, IMHO. Good space for trolling people.


Ikr, imagine if you were in MBC and got speed boosted into a tentacle.


I would change speed boost to wisdom boost. Axe seems nice.


Note that projectiles cannot actually hit enemies twice, so the boomerang effect wouldn’t be as powerful as you might think.


Oof, you’re right. I was planning to make it increase speed instead of speedy but yeah, that could be serious grief! I’ll change it to a wis boost, ty @PiterGPL!


It’s a piercing weapon; assuming you are kissing the boss with your weapon it should hit twice.

It’s kinda like a safety chance weapon. With Valk’s current stats and high def, it should be ok in most low-level bosses.


No like the way the game is coded if projectile A hits the boss it can no longer affect the same target. The projectile can hit enemies B and C separately if it is piercing, but it can’t hit B, boomerang, then hit B again. This is true for enemy shots as well, you can test it with piercing boomerangs in tombs or other dungeons. Any given shot will not hit you twice, even if it passes through you twice.


I see what you mean. Perhaps if there was a way to allow the projectile to hit A more than once by letting it damage once when touching the enemy, and then touch again when coming back, it would be possible.


On the class side:
I think axe+spear isn’t a traditional setup for a valkyrie - spear+shield, or spear alone, seems much more standard.

I’d suggest consider making spear into a weapon type of its own, so valkyrie could be [spear, ability, heavy arm, ring]. The ability could then be something wearable, and this would fit with your sprite design, which shows her carrying just the one weapon.

And then fit axe onto another class entirely (lots of options: berzerker/dwarf/fighter/etc).

The way you’ve designed axe, as shorter range than sword, it would fit well with a very melee style class, needing to get in close to do the dmg.


It’s already really difficult to do damage on most end game bosses with swords, having a weapon with less range would pretty much only make it good on low tier bosses even with the defense of heavy arnour.


Aren’t Valkyries known to wield spears?


Not the ones from Clash of Clans…


Noone likes clash of clans though.
God of war is cooler


I’m sure the playerbase of CoC was far higher than the playerbase of GoW…


so would it have a longer range then sword and would the Projectile be bigger


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